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Courses and Certifications

Below is a list of recent courses and certifications I have completed. Shared to give an idea about the relevant trainings.
You may download my resume for a complete education history

Academind GmbH

Udemy , 15 hours

This course covers most of the topics from original Typscript Handbook in an organized manner and provides clear explanations to the topic. I was familiar with typescript before this course, but gained some new knowledge from advanced sections. All in all, Typescript requires a lot of practice and debugging to master.

Academind GmbH

Udemy , 48,5 saat

I have attended this course without any prior React knowledge but feel confident at the end of the course. This is an excellent course covering from start to advanced level of React topics focusing mainly on functional development rather than the old school class based components.

Academind GmbH

Udemy , 49 hours

I was already using Vue for a long time before taking this course, actually was confident with both with Vue2, Vue3, Vuex and Vue Router, but thought that I can learn some advanced featurues that I might be missing. Honestly, most of this course was redundant for me, but provided some great shortcuts and particular details that worh the time I spent.

Academind GmbH

Udemy , 6,5 hours

Nuxt is a great and easy way to develop Vue JS applications, especially ones to render on server side. This course is not a must (as nuxt is pretty straightforward) but offers an excellent option to deep digging the Nuxt documentation. It is a course that covers almost all Nuxt documentation with some practice projects.

Academind GmbH

Udemy , 6,5 hours

This course points out to things that I was commonly using in my daily practice, but also provided some new and valuable information.

, 300+ hours

This course mainly covers Bootstrap and Jquery that I was using for years and ReactJS that I took another course recently. Again, there was nothing new to me, but the certification projects were an excellent opportunity to experiment React.Js


, 300+ hours

To be honest, I just participated to grab the certificate. Although it doesn’t offer anything new to me, I was impressed how freeCodeCamp teaches basics of web designs to someone new to devleopment. It was also fun to challenge myself certification projects. (Html, Css and Vanilla Js only)

, 300+ hours

Nice to have this certificate, but nothing new for me as an experienced developer. The projects required for certification are mainly standard breain teasers about algorithms.

Assoc. Prof. Zafer Cömert

BTKAkademi , 28 hours

Another course that I took to close the gap if there are any point that I miss on the mentioned topic. This was a great course that established a very good balance of theory and practice that not only explains the theory very well but also provides hands on development with C#.

, 5 hours 30 minutes

, 5 hours 58 minutes

, 5 hours 13 minutes

, 1 hour 50 minutes

, 7 hours 17 minutes

, 6 hours 13 mins

, 8 hours 17 minutes

, 11 hours 26 minutes

, 13 hours 49 minutes

, 7 hours 46 minutes